Sunday, March 15, 2015

Luke 17 : 7

Luke 17:7 NKJV

And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat’?

Theme - servant

Luke 17:5 And the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith"
We should want God to increase our faith and this is convicting. God is a master willing to serve, and we should follow His example. Even though the servant is just doing his job, like when we just serve, and do what God tells us to do. But when we do listen to what He says, and we as servants do our job, He rewards us, by blessing us. Say your a boss of a huge  company and your at the top with all these people warking for you, and one day you just walk through and to see who is really working. So you see some people doing an ok job, some not doing anything, and then only a couple with some of the worst jobs working harder then ever to the best they can. What are you going to do? Well in John 13 Jesus prepared Himself and got on His knees to wash His disciples feet. Jesus prepared Himself I think that something important to remember, He prepared Himself so that He could do an amazing job. Then He tells us to do the same, I'm not saying to go around and wash people's feet. But to humble ourselves to serve everyone with the best we got. So to go back to the question I asked earlier, what are you going to do to the low workers that are trying thier hardest to do a good job? Now I know that if I was in a position like this I'd probably only think, he is a good worker. So I only pray that God would have me do differently. Like God would rewarded that faithful servant for doing his best to do a good job.

So I take three things from this as a person that will have responsibility over some people in the future, to do more than just think good of someone, but respect them. Maybe with a reward or a simple thing as saying good job, but what I want and pray I can do is build a relationship with a person that will be listening to me, and shine the light of God in their heart. Secondly, as a servant do the best I can at everything I'm doing to serve someone else, and give all the glory to God and keep nothing for myself. Lastly, wherever God leads me I pray that I will be obedient to what He has to say. So that if he leads me where I don't understand, I will just serve, and do the best I can to do what God has me to do.

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