Monday, May 4, 2015

His promise

John 1:17 NKJV

For the law was given through Moses, but  grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Theme- promise

I using John for the last couple of IBSes because I'm doing John in my morning devotions. How beautiful of a promise this is that God gives us, we know not one of us can uphold the law that was given through Moses, this is a reason Jesus came to die on the cross. He knew like we do that no man can uphold the law, so He came lived a perfect life, and died for the sins we have committed.

This promise is made out of love, and the law is fulfilled by the love of Jesus Christ. Matthew 19:19, "‘Honor your father and  your  mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’"" I say that its Jesus Christ's love, because no man will love like Christ did. But through what Christ did for us, we may have salvation. And that is His promise, "... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." The world grace means, re ie ing something you don't deserve, we don't deserve anything but Christ gave us Himself (truth), and so through Christ we are saved. This is why we have accepted Him into our hearts so that we might be saved, and we dedicate our lives to Him.

Application- pray for those who don't know the Lord

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Prayer please

I have a small rip in a tenden behind my knee just from over stretching it, so prayers would be appreciated for a fast recovery. The doctor said I'm not a loud to use my left leg for a week and I'd imagine just really take it easy after that for a month. So this means I won't be teaching for half of the week at the minimum,  hopefully its no longer, and just pray that the doctor is right and that I'll be back on both my feet real soon. Praying for all of you, love you, and have a God blessed day.