Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Philippians 4 : 11

Philippians 4:11 NKJV

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:

This is it, the answer to having faith in Christ. In the next few verse Paul tells us the answer in knowing how to be content in any situation you are in. Take it from Paul he has been through the worst times and best times you can imagine. He knew how to be content with being locked up beaten and mutilized, being hungry, being filled, and being in the presence of God. Through everything he went through, he stayed content through all the situation that he went through. I can't stay content when one thing doesn't go my way, I may not show it, but I complain with whatever I have to deal with in my head . Paul tells us in verse 13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Such a well known verse, but I never thought of it as the answer to becoming content in whatever situation I'm put into.

Sometimes when I do these studies I wish I knew this back in the days that I fell away from God because then I would have relized I was an idiot. I remember saying, " nah I'm not one of those religious people.", "I hate going to church, but my parents make me". I said all these things before, I think back to those days and just saying, "Lord I'm sorry I was so blind." I'm still so sorry that I did all those things, but God cleaned that slate and gave it back to me and it was clean. And said, I don't remember a thing." Now God has blessed me to share my testimony with so many people and bless them and be blessed because I was able to share what He did through me.

Application - memorize this verse

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