Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trust in Something Good

Psalm 34:8 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

This verse didn't make very much sense to me when I was a kid or even just a young believer, but I was reading a book and  all the sudden it made so much sense to me.

So when I was a kid I heard this verse and like I said didn't make much sense. Before I thought how do you taste God? I truly just didn't get it, and so I just pushed it a side as a kid and didn't think about, but know I can't stop. I think it's because I have a lot of friends that just have walked away from the Lord and if they only followed this verse it would all make sense.

So to now this verse means if I can get a taste of what it is like to be a child of God I will never leave His presence. We are truly blessed to have a friend like God and it made all the more sense when I was in His presence. When I was a kid I grew up in the church, but lived in sin so it didn't make sense to "taste and see". But now that I'm a believer and put my trust in the Lord it all makes sense. So what I would love to tell my friends face to face, and pray that they do it, and try it. Because That's all that God is telling us to do, He is saying, "try Me out and if I'm not good then don't bother with Me." The cool thing in this verse is that it says is, "taste and see that the Lord is good;". He doesn't even bother saying see if the Lord is good or bad, just good for that is what He is.

Lastly, on top of finding out that the Lord is good it says," Blessed is the man who trusts in Him." It says we will be blessed to put our trust in someone that is good. I've heard this illustration a lot but it is good and simple. So you have a bench that sits in the bark and when you are tired of walking, running, or whatever you are doing you trust that the bench will hold you up. You don't know if it is a good bench or a bench that will break right out from under you. The Lord is good and you know it so why would it be so hard to put your trust in Him

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