Sunday, February 8, 2015

Revelation 1 : 9

Revelation 1:9 NKJV

I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

I believe John is just putting himself at the same level as us. Saying, I'm just like you. For me I see him explain no matter what bad things happen to you when you stand firm for His glorious name because, He is coming back and rule over all the earth and you will win life. John talks refers to his experience on the island named Patmos. There he was burned with hot oil because, he stood firm for Christ's testimony. I don't know if I would be able to do that but, then I think back to what Christ did for us and, I'd hope I'd be able to stand firm. Now the bible does say something like, that we will be persicuted for living a life for the Lord. Now I'm not saying you will be killed for it but, what I think of the most is that we will go through verbal abuse from others sometimes those that are close to us.

Before I came here and was in public school some people would ask me if I was a die hard christian or did I actually believe that stuff. Honestly I said, "NO". I do regret it since when I quit smoking and other stupid stuff, I started to say, "YES" and telling them on top of that I'm going to Guatemala to share the word of the Lord with kids. And the response I got was absolutely mind blowing, nothing I ever expected, some would say, "wow thats awesome". I even got to share the word with some people and one even got saved I believe and if not a seed was planted. Thats good enough for me because, I know what God can do and I believe he will "win life" one day. It's amazing what God does when you stand for His name.

But I've had that verbal abuse as well and probably from one of the people I never would have guessed, one of my friends that I grew up with. That was really hurt, he said, "don't waste your money" and he said the same thing when I came in august for a week. That stung but, I'm glad to say that I stood firm and right before I came down I got an, I'm proud that your doing this.

My application - I stood firm like John so I want to pray for those who don't.

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