Luke 21:19
By your patience possess your souls.
Stand firm, and you will win life.
By your endurance you will gain your lives.
Theme - perseverance
I took all these different versions because I was confused on what the heck this verse mean. But I think once I read the NIV version everything click and the other versions ran together. "Stand firm, and you will win life." How perfect is that, its all we must do and to will win life. And when I first thought about I figured it ment that He will keep me safe in everything I do. But then I heard one of my leaders named Scott talk about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and he said something like they will were ok with dying because no matter what they would have been remembered and God's name would be rejoiced. So then it made sense, no matter what happens to me if I stand up for His name then I will win life with Him. Even if that means my life ends, I still will win life. He either saves my life from the situation I'm in and I will continue to rejoice and lift up his name here on earth, or I die and rejoice and lift up His name in heaven beside Him.
Also in our bible study we were going over Phillipians and, this is a letter from Paul while he was in jail. And in it says something like, even those that are preaching the word to put down my name, the word it being preached and thats all that matters. So Paul didn't care that his name was being put down even though he didn't do anything but, all that mattered to him was that Jesus' name and story was being spread.
Application- If I'm ever scared of what might happen I will stand firm. And pray about having that confidence in the Lord.
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