Acts 2:44-45 NKJV
Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.
Theme - unity
"Together", is such an amazing word. While I locked up the gate last night when I was walking back I thought how it might be to live alone. To live isolated and all by myself. As a believer I don't think anyone should live alone, and isolated from everyone. Now I understand if God calls you to live a single life, but I never heard of anyone to be called to live isolated completely by themselves. I said that the word together is an amazing word, I said that, because when you do something as a team it will turn out better because of all the other ideas that are being suggested. Like Charvel said, "I can tell when only one person does the editing." I think thats something we should always keep in mind, expecially as christians. Do you think you could run an entire church, or ministry completely on your own? I think not, when you see a good ministry or church being run there are a lot of different departments, being led by many different leaders. Now I'm not saying that every ministries that have a group of people leading will be successful, but it needs to have glue that holds it together. Think of a popsicle stick house you built when you were a kid, what held it together? The glue held it together, it the same thing for a church, or ministry. Jesus Christ need to be the glue of it, if you take Christ or the glue away from the house of God, it will fall apart.
Like we talked about in our IBS class, if you took all the students, and put them on a social map we would never think about hanging out with each other, but because Christ is our glue in the relationships we have it oddly enough works out.
Application - write together on the back of my hand to remember what this IBS
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